
What is Chunky?


1. chunky (adj.)- to describe someone as a bit on the plump side; slighty tubby

2. chunk (noun)- a piece of something; a fat person taking a chunk of delicious food.

1. Yo man, look at that chunky monkey over there, hes a peoss homosexual.

2. Yo man, go grab a chunk of dat' shit you fucking fatass.


An awesome name for a cat, if you think about it.

"I have to feed Chunky now"

"I have to empty Chunky's litter box"

"Chunky, you're getting too fat"

See cat, name, chunky, fat


1) Being fat

2) somethin' with a lot of chunks in it

1) JLo has a chunky ass

2) My milk is chunky, maybe I should stop drinking it.


a word for an erection

"Man I can't watch this anymore, I'm not getting a chunky in a room full of guys" - J. Shay

See erection, boner, hard-on, poker


nice, phat, hott, cool, etc.

*a yo dat shit's chunky*


an extremely obese child, enjoys eating

get off me chunky chin

See chunky, kit kat, gay, yams, yamz


To describe any artefact or product which has a particular force/power. Not necessarily gravitational weight, but rather a stylistic achievement which stands out as powerful or accomplished.

"...That track is well chunky..."

"...The Matrix Reloaded was pretty chunky..."

See pseudonym


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