
What is Churp?


an exclamation; a declaration; must be yelled at high volume for full effect; can be an expression of joy, drunkenness, or harassment; a Fred & the Sanfords song


See churp, exclamation, drunk, yell


(slang)The alert tone a Motorola phone makes when someone is calling on the two-way radio. Also Boost mobile

A word used to describe that you're waiting for someone to call you on your two-way radio.

Your phone just churped. Someone must be calling you on your 2-way.

He's gonna churp me later.


A girl with a HUGE BUTT

Yo man, look at that churp across the street, imma go holla at her.

See big, butt, girl, woman, huge


when one vomits and burps at the same time, a bit chunkier than your average vurp. a contraction of "chuck" and "burp" see also vurp

Why is it every time I eat pizza and drink tequila, I churp what tastes exactly like Spaghetti Os?


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