
What is Chuwero?


A fabricated racial slur for those with "asshole faces" and that "eat and fuck shit."

Originated in November 10, 2006, Penny Arcade comic.

You called me a chuwero? What the hell is a chuwero?

See gabe, tycho, shit-talking, slur


A fictional race, often used in a durogitory manner.

See also Penny-Arcade. See also Wang

"You said some hurtful, racist stuff."

"Really? I don't even know what race you are."

"You made it called me a Chuwero."

See inferior, insult, racist, epithet, wang


a racial slur for a race of people who have asshole faces and like to eat and fuck shit

dude wtf thats my shit you chuwero!

See chuwero, racial slur, racist, sex, shit, asshole


A person whose face is scrunched up as to resemble an asshole. They are also known for their scatalogicial tendencies.

This term may be considered racist, and is used heavily in the context of talking shit.

"You know why you missed that pass? Because your dirty Chuwero eyes couldn't see the ball"

"Gross! How can you eat that? It must be because you're such a Chuwero. Just make sure I'm not around when you're alone with the leftovers."

See scatology, scat, talking shit, penny-arcade, assface


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