
What is Chya?


The surf-licious way to say "yeah." May or may not (judging by the context) include a connotation of "your an idiot!" or "HELL yes!" Note: that when emphasising your attack on your buddy's foolish remark, you should enunciate the "ch" part of the word, possibly even holding it for a moment longer

"So are we gonna go snowboarding tomorrow?" "Chya! (We are!)"

"So wait is the sky REALLY blue?"

"Chya! (Ya retard!)"


better way of saying yes or agreeing with something or someone

"That's amazing!"


See yes, yeah, oh yeah, ya, yea


word used in place ot the word "ya". originated and made popular by the will c. wood class of 2005 and basketball team in vacaville

yo j-rad, we goin to the club tonight?


See cha, yea, yeah, ya, yah


sure or yes or fer sure

guy1: dude wanna go party

guy2: fer chya man!

See fer, sure, chya, yes, yeah, okay


The shorter way to promounce "shit yeah" in quick conversation.

"You're goin to that party?"


See yeah, ch, totally, uh huh, nope



are you goin dt? chya!

See tay


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