What is Cicero?
A good sized suburb of Chicago, IL. Many killer gangs. Corrupt police and officials. Al Capone ran this town in his heyday
We're going down to Cicero for a Ki'.
Street in Chicago. Primarily known for the overwhelming presence of crack and herion
Every time I ride by Cicero them G's always be yellin "Rocks and Blows, Rocks and Blows!"
A suburb right next to Chicago's west side. Once a blue-collar neighborhood of Italians and Poles, Cicero is now the nexus of the Mexican Invasion in Illinois and is now a lost cause. Corrupt government. You might as well BE in Mexico. Kind of like Mordor from LOTR.
White guy: "Are you from Cicero, man?"
Mexican: "Yeaa, esse! Viva La Raza!"
Greatest Roman Orator of all time. And if you think not you are a flamer!!
You Homosexual son a bitch, Cicero was not gay!!
The greatest flamer ever.
Cicero died in 43 B.C. after being proscribed at Mark Antony's insistence.