
What is Cid?


Slang for LSD (d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide). It is a shortened form of "acid."

Hey man got any 'cid?


Drug slang term for lsd, or "acid". Considered by myself to be one of the most useless and stupid terms because it is only one letter away from the actual name of the drug, duh.

Mike took two blotter tabs of that cid and was tripping out for 12 hours.

See lsd, acid, trip, blotter, tab, hallucinogen, hallucination, hallucinate


A guy who apears in every final fantasy game and usually has something to do with airships

Tidus: wow shit to much machina

Wakka: Cid better get his big airship butt down here quick ya?


Escort term meaning 'Cum In Deep'.

The escort lets you cum inside her with no condom.

she loved it when i CID.

See escort, bareback, cum, pussy


used as an alias for acid. pertaining to LSD or any hallucinogenic drug resembling LSD.

Yo bitch, did you popthat cid yet?

See acid, dots, ellis, trips, buttons, paper, dippage, trippage, cubes, liquid


The name on da badd streets of england for the police or crime investigation department.

A common, and very popular and gangsta saying is when you hear a police siren to say/shout 'shitt cid!'.

See c.i.d., police, pigs, filth, copper, cops


C.I.D. Criminal In Disguise

Commonly pronounced: "Sid" for something such as a nickname.

Seth is suck a fuckin' CID, he hacked a pop machine.

See you, are, a, slut, and, bitch


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