
What is Cider?


The most wonderful thing to have ever been created from an apple.

Bittersweet apple juice fermented and then drunk, particularly in the summertime.

Get's you off your face quicker than beer.

Not gassy at all, so very easy to drink.

The best brands are Strongbow and Magners.

Makes beer taste like a tramp's scrotum.

The good Lord made apples for one reason - CIDER.

"When i die, i want to be embalmed in cider."

"Pint of Strongbow please, mate"

"Magners with ice please, mate"


See beer, cider, alcohol, strongbow, magners


An alcoholic beverage made from fermented apple juice that oils the wheels of society in the West of England

see also scrumpy, zyder, white cider

You aint lived until you've got ratted on cider.

See black flag


the most awesome drink on the face of the planet

Matt-CIDER FOR ME!!!!!!!!!

See cider, delicious, best, drink, awesome, lisp



Mostly used to call this 'delightful' drink in Zummerzet :D

'I'm a Zider drinker I drinks it all of ze day' - The Wurzels


n,:A substance that will make your penis grow

Q:"How do toy make your penis grow?"

A:"Soak it in cider"(insider her)

See potion, afrodisiac, arousal, lube


An exultant yell usually delivered when hitting, completing, winning, or when there is boredom. The tone and volume is not unlike something a character in Mortal Kombat would yell while hitting someone.

1.While in an art museum, running up to a Titian and punching it, yelling "CIDER!"

2.If nothing is going on, this is a good excuse to run over to an object and "cider it".

See cider, anger, yell, mortalkombat


used to make your penis grow

Q.What do you use to make your penis grow?

A.Soak it in cider!

See vagina, pussy, vaginal juices, arousal, lube


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