Cina Cina

What is Cina Cina?


to preform an elaborate sexual act with one or more persons over a considerably long amount of time. To fuck or consumate with another person(s) over a long period of time. Usually consists of multiple sexual positions. Multiple Orgasms are common for women who cina cina Very common in the Northeast US.

Me and my girl cina cina'd all last night. Im so tired today.

I had cina cina with this chick till 5 am. She came 26 times, i think i almost killed her.

See sex, fuck, consumate, cina


to preform an elaborate sexual act with one or more persons over a considerably long amount of time. To fuck or consumate with another person(s) over a long period of time. Usually consists of multiple sexual positions. Very common in the Northeast US.

Me and my girl cina cina'd all last night. Im so tired today.

See sex, fuck, sex positions, consumation, bone


to have intercourse or preform any sexual act over a long period of time. Usually consists of multiple positions followed by passionate climax. Very common in the northeast

me and my girl cina cina'd last night. i am so tired today.

See sex, fucking, foreplay


to preform an elaborate sexual act with one or more persons over a considerably long amount of time. To fuck or consumate with another person(s) over a long period of time. Usually consists of multiple sexual positions. Very common in the Northeast US.

Me and my girl cina cina'd all last night. Im so tired today.

See fuck, sex, ass, sexual positions, tits, consumate


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