Cincinnati Hotplate

What is Cincinnati Hotplate?


Heard on Sea Lab 2021; Exact definition unknown but through careful research of similar terms on this fine website, it is assumed that this a combination of a hotplate and a Cincinnati slider; titty fucking a girl with one's juicy ass inline with the receivers face

Since the chick's gut was too big, I had to give her a Cincinnati hotplate instead of the normal.


Akin to the "Cleveland Steamer" a Cincinnati Hotplate is when one person lays under a glass table while another person straddles the table and defecates on the table, giving the "receiver" the fecalphiliac thrill without the mess.

See also "Stallone"

"Sylvester Stallone was a big fan of the ol' Cincinnati Hotplate. He'd pay big bucks to have hookers drop a deuce on the table while he spanked one out to it. Sick!"

See stallone, steamer, cleveland, cincinnati, cincinatti, hotplate, hot, plate, hot plate


A Cleveland Steamer but then you titty fuck the girl.

I had no KY so I gave the Cincinnati Hotplate.


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