What is Circle Jerks?
In addition to all the group masturbation definitions,
The Circle Jerks are a hardcore punk band formed circa 1979 in Hermosa Beach, California. It was formed by Black Flag's original singer, Keith Morris, and future Bad Religion guitarist Greg Hetson. They were among the preeminent punk bands of the L.A. scene in the early 1980s.
After seeing the Circle Jerks show and getting our asses kicked in the pit, my friends and I participated in a circle jerk in John's van.
a bunch of guys sitting aorund wanking.... a big group jerk off.
frank is a circle jerk, he goes to circle jerks
the particpipants of a
also a great punk band
those guys are a bunch of circle jerks. lets get out of here before they start wacking each other off.
a 'game' popular with
Are Circle Jerks gay? No, not if you're a
Frat boy and practiceDate Rape
People who repeat the same actions over and over expecting different results but yet get nothing accomplished and wonder why.
"Poor me" saps that are confused about why they have the same problems continuously and put the blame on everyone or everything else around them.
They're just a bunch of "circle jerks"....not going anywhere...but always doing something.