
What is Circles?


a wonderful form of lesbian sex, or even masturbation. but mostly lesbian sex.

In the L Word, it is what Papi does to Alice to make her so so OH OH!! HAPPY!! She loves those circles.

See lesbian, papi, alice, sex, masturbation, gay, homosexual, lesbian sex, Lezzie


lesbian sex involving circles. one lesbian giving the other lesbian circles.

also, a great form of masturbation for a woman.

In the "L Word", it is what Papi did to Alice that made her so happy. Alice loved those circles.

See circles, lesbian, papi, alice, sex, masturbation, gay, homosexual, lesbian sex, Lezzie


lesbian sex involving one girl giving the other girl circles.

what Papi gave Alice on "the L Word" that made her so happy. Oh! Oh! OH!! BIGGER CIRCLES!! MORE CIRCLES!! YES YES YES!!

See circles, lesbian, papi, alice, sex, masturbation, gay, homosexual, lesbian sex, Lezzie


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