
What is Circuit?


<adjective> Describes a partyor Ravewith abundant drug usage, dancing, and hooking up, especially a series of such underground gatherings which move from place to place.

"Stay away from that one. He's a circuit boy and is nothing but trouble."

See Kyle


This is in reference to something or someone that sucks so bad that it is actually worse then busch league. these are the Thursday afternoon car races that nobody watches. This is the short white trash kid with the wife-beateron that can't grow a beard.

This sucks so bad it's fuckin circuit.

See sucks, terrible, busch league


A bunch of neighborhoods that all connect to make one big smoke road.

Lets go smoke a j and take a ride on the circut.


Background: Lebanese Ghetto

Definition: A calculator (more commonly used for Graphing calculators)

Man i got this new casio circuit that can do matrices for me.


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