
What is Circumcised?


A procedure that makes the penis better smelling, better tasting, better looking to most women, more stimulating, and longer lasting before orgasm.

A lot of propaganda surrounds this procedure, such as "circumsized men don't enjoy sex as much" and "sex is 10 times better for uncircumcised men." This propaganda is not borne out by serious scientific research. It's main purpose is to make uncut men feel better about having to clean up after their dick cheese all the time.

My boyfriend lasts an hour inside me everytime, because he's circumcised, and loves every second of it. I love sucking on his sweet smelling and tasty dick.

See cut, circumcision


The removal of the of the skin cap giving the penis a beautiful look, simplified hygiene, straight pissing, and good feeling all over--shaft, head, and its own g-spot, the frenum.

Girlfriend to her guy: Your cock,is good looking, smells good, and tastes sweet.

Guy to girlfriend: You will never give me AIDS, even if you fool around. You will like my staying power for better orgasms.


An enhancement to the penis by surgery, the removal of redundant tissue, a hygiene measure, widely practised in the USA and many established religions.

I had all my sons circumcised at birth; they are now adults and are so grateful to me.

See Ben


a guy whose penis has had the skin cut off of it.

"Yo man, where the rest of your dick?". "Don't know, I was circumcised when I was a baby."


When a man does not have a full penis. It could also be referring to female circumcision, another outdated, barbaric practice.

There really is no purpose to circumcision. Some religions, such as Judaism, encourage parents to remove their child's foreskin at an early age, since they probably would reject doing it when they're older and capable of forming opinions.

Some might say that circumcision improves the sex life of a man, such as the writers of the other entries.

They might go on to say that "sex is 10 times better for uncircumcised men" is a lie, because it's not based on research. They'd probably also overlook their own claims, that a cut penis has a better taste and is more stimulating, when those aren't based on science, either.

Some women may say that a penis looks more aesthetic when cut. But then, if some guys find a circumcised woman to be beautiful, does that mean all women should get their clitoris removed?

A man always has a frenum, and doesn't "gain" one if he gets cut. But if he does, he loses the vast amount of nerves that lay in the foreskin, and won't be able to have an equal sexual experience.

Ideally, a parent should leave a child's genitals alone. It should be their job to teach their kids to responsibly clean their privates, rather than recklessly mutilate their organs for the sake of "hygiene." A man's penis will have the same taste and smell as a half-cocked man, by only spending an extra minute to clean it out everyday.

My girlfriend said my penis looked strange, and that she couldn't sleep with me until I got it circumcised . A week after I got it done, she dumped me.

See circumcised, circumcision, uncut, un-cut, cut


All this shit about you becoming healthier by removing the forskin of your penis is COMPLETE BS.

Look, your skin is there FOR A REASON and there's no need to take it off, there are no benefits of having a uncircumsised penis, studys have proven that. It's there to protect your penis.

Cutting the forskin makes your glands less sensitive over time, and if your doctor cuts too much you can have certain problems or even die.

Though the circumsised person's partner may receive more pleasure during sex, he will not receive as much or even last long for that matter. Where'as the uncircumsised person and his partner will both receive pleasure equally.

The bottum line is:


Uncircumsised Person: Ey, having my forskin owns, once I get laid I'll be BALLIN.

Circumcised Person: Shit man, good luck with that, I already got laid but I couldn't last for 5 minutes..

See no, sexual, pleasure, for, you


what should neva have happened to me.


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