
What is C_kick?


–noun (see-kik)

1. A .wav sample of a kick drum that was included with every iteration of FruityLoops/FL Studio up to a recent version as the default kick drum that would load when the program was opened.

2. One of the most over-used samples by amatuer Internet musicians ever period.

3. A generic horrible sounding kick drum.


4. To be assaulted by nubile "FL shits."

1. "Dude, I'm getting so sick of FL opening with a C_Kick loaded."

2. "This reeks of C_Kick."

3. "All of your drums sound like C_Kick. Get some new samples, noob."

4. "I was on TraxInSpace and some idiot kept C_Kicking his crap at me. Horrible."

See fl, fruityloops, drums, music


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