
What is Claire's?


Gross cheap jewlery. A bad attempt at actual quality. No wonder it's so cheap.

Earings last about...a week. 2 if i'm lucky


A store located in most malls in America. They sell cheap, inexpensive jewelry to twelve year old girls.They also pierce ears.

I work at Claire's and for all the people that complain about the jewelry breaking and being paid 3 fuckin dollars for it!!!!!!!!!!!!How long do you expect it to last?!?

P.S. if you shop at Claire's and you drop something or knock something over please take the time to pick it up....its called common curtosy and common sense.

See cute, pink, teenagers, girly, piercings


store full of cute accesories. caution: the prolonged contact with cuteness may cause airhead syndrome

I went to claire's and bought pretty pink earrings!!!

See cute, pink, airhead syndrome, flowers, plugs


Claire's has good jewelry for all ages. Icing by claire's has better dangling earrings though. There are usually some good sales going on. It has good present ideas when you want to get your friends some cute accesories!

I got my friend a ring and some really cute dangling earrings!

I got my ears pierced at claire's!


the best jewelry and make-up store in the world.

i got my ears peirced at claire's!

See inom


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