
What is Clarg?


A somewhat retarded and uncoordinated member of the tasmanian society. A source of amusement for most youths who know of him.

'Oh that was a bit of a clarg wasnt it?' (clarg in this instance meaning 'stupid thing', etc)

'Oh hi doctor clargrg, do you have a meatspin appointment later on today?'

See retard, unco, retarded, murray, clarg


A somewhat retarded and uncoordinated member of the Tasmanian society (Australia). He considers himself rather athletic, but in fact he cant seem to kick a football without slipping over.

E.g 'Oh what a stupid thing to do.. clargrggrhhh'

'Ohh that was a bit of a clarg then wasnt it?'

See retarded, unco, retard, stupid


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