
What is Clarissa?


A Clarissa is a word meaning beautiful and perfect in every single way.

Person 1 "Did you see that Clarissa girl?"

Person 2 "Yeah, she was fineeeee...

See clarissa, beauty, perfection, amazing, awesome


amazing, awesome, the best, cool, fresh, and NORMAL

"Did you see the girl that's always with heidi ?"

"yeah, she seems clarissa"


See clarisa


The coolest person in the world!

Person: Can I borrow your psych lectures

Clarissa: For sure!

Person: Wow Clarissa, you are the coolest person ever!

See cool, right, awesome, amazing, clarissa


nice, cool, honest, reliable, smart, conservative, love animals such as racist dragon...blah and also best friend of a jerk/pathological liar (Syed)

How did u get such a nice and kind advice?

I got this advice from Clarissa

See cool, brilliant, cupcake, awesome, hottie, nerd, lazy


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