
What is Clawing?


the act of "clawing" your friends next you when watching a horror movie.

(during the climax of a horror movie)

Girl #1: HOLY SHIZNETS!!!!

Girl #2: OMGAWD!@#? (claws girl #3)

Girl #3: stop clawing me -_- you ain't no bear

See bear, clawing, claw, horror, movie


The act of inserting fingers (or claws) into a vagina and viciously clawing/scraping away until climax is reached (or bleeding).

recommended use in conjunction with wolfbagging, small household pets or whilst stroking your cookie nipples.

Elv: 'i was absolutely ball-bagged last night and got my digits stuck up this right sort

Fun: 'U give her a good clawing?? u bad cat'

Elv: 'yep, clawed her off a treat'

See fingering, finger fuck, fisting, eating out, masturbation, wanking


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