
What is Clay?


a sex hungry mongrel

Man that guy is so clay like!

See dominique


Material used for sculpting and modelling.

Can I get some clay?


Something that exhibits the qualities of 'clayness'. Unreal. Weird.

Essentially a person who's physical appearance or personality has the ability to blow your mind.

To truly understand the meaning of clay you must understand that everything is 'clay' however it must first exhibit its 'clayness' to be considered 'clay'. You must be able to realize how 'clay' something before you can call it 'clay'.

Damn that shit is clay.

Holy fuck that dude is completely clay.

Elijah Wood is clay. Especially when he was a kid.

See unreal, weird, strange, incredible


To exhibit clayness is to undertake an activity, mainly sporting, with fitness and bloody minded determination rather than outstanding natural ability.

This will be exhibited mainly in aryan and Oriental races.

For true Clayness, no emotion must be exhibited. There is neither the ecstacy of victory or the disapointment of defeat, only the next contest.

To face an opponent with clayness is also very frustrating and can only be overcome with a top draw performance or a moment of shear brilliance.

"I took the ball past him three times and still he got up to kick at my heals"

"Denis Irwin has unbelievable Clayness, that winger skinned him and he still got off his arse to block the cross"


A state of mind where one lets loose and becomes super funny and kind of weird

Rock on those shrooms are really getting to me next thing you know I'll have clay.

See Clay


clay is the biggest sweety in the world...and i love him with all my heart...hes so lovely-i hadta put 2 definitions:)xoxoxoxox

i love you r sucha sweety


A person who loves themself beyond all reason.

Clays always have 10+ types of cologne

Clays always have 5+ "model" pictures of themselves on their phone

Clays THINK they can get any girl

Clays always have blonde hair

Clays always wear collared preppyshirts

Clays die if not allowed to gel their hair for any length of time

Clays never reach puberty

Clays are short

Clays are scared shitless when they see colored people

Clays roll up their windows when driving through poor neighborhoods

Wow stop looking at yourself in the mirror you clay

See self centered, preppy, wimp


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