What is Clay Aiken?
Person, singer, actor, philanthropist, activist, role model. Inspired legions of women to regress to pre-teen patterns of behaviour. "Love of the Aiken" often cited as grounds for divorce in the United States since his first appearance on FOX television show "American Idol". Related terms:
Clay Aiken makes me EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! I am dying for some
clack !
My wife/girlfriend/mother/daughter/partner has Obsessive Claypulsive Behavious
I enjoy
Waldo watching at concerts.
American pop singer, somewhere in-between all the gushing love and vitriolic insults seen in other UD definitions. Loves his mama and his dog, doesn't curse or drink in public, can take a dirty joke now and then, and wings his critics' sarcasm back at them with class and kindness.
"In church in Raleigh, the congregation used to say, 'Make sure you use your voice for the Lord.' I feel that is what I'm doing. And I will continue doing it until the Lord tells me to pipe down."
- Learning to Sing
"An Honest to God Bonefied 'Where did that guy come from' star"!
do you think he made a wrong u turn and ended up at the American Idol auditions, cause he's TOO GOOD for American Idol!
Clay Aiken is the most
Clay Aiken is the shining example of what all men should be!
He got second place in last year's American Idol 2. He has a great, unique voice and has gorgeous eyes.
Cindy: "Bobby, your eyes, are almost as gorgeous as those of Clay Aiken."
Bobby: *puts mascara on eyes* "Are they prettier now?"
A class act.....one who can step aside to let another shine....one who has a calling in life......one who has a gift.
Many young men strive to be Clay Aiken, only those who don't read Urban Dictionaries will suceed.
A kind, caring person with a beautiful voice and a heart to match.
The person had a heart of gold, always cared about others.