
What is Claymate?


A devoted fan of "American Idol II" contestant Clay Aiken, who placed second. Claymates are responsible for the shower of panties during the AI2 concert tour, as well as getting Clay to number 1 on the charts.

Me? A Claymate? But of course! I even have an "Aiken for Clay" shirt!


a female fan of the singer Clay Aiken

My mom is a total Claymate!


clay aiken fans. Mostly women who are old, fat, homophobic and white.

That fat chick is a claymate.

See claymate, clay aiken, fag, gay, cum, scandal


im not one but they are devoted fans of clay aiken and invovle the whole throwing of underwear/bras on stage.....hmmm scary its

alll my friends audrey,i dono anyone else (i have more friends) adn david hahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaahhaahahhahahaahhaha

See Raven


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