
What is Clayton?


The most wonderful man ever in existance. He has amazing taste in music, food, and movies.clayton's are amazing kissers and one of a kind lovers. if you ever find one hold on tights, they're very rare.

wow, he's a total Clayton!

See clayton, music, kiss, love, movies


Another word for a female turkey.

Look at the stupid Clayton!

See balless, gay, stupid, dumb ass, fucker


A man who constantly breaks your heart repeatedly while being compleatly oblivious to what hes doing

My boyfriend always goes out to the bars and leaves me at home... I never even get an invite... What a typical Clayton

See oblivious, dumb


The man you have when you dont have a man

Lesbian 1. to Lesbian 2. "Hey baby, wanna get it oooonnn"

Lesbian 2. oooohhhhyeahhhhh lickity split u betcha!

Lesbian 1. well then, i'll just go strap on the 'CLAYTON'

See clayton, lesbian, dildo, strap on, gay


orland parkslang for a short cigarette. claytons come about by removing the cherry from a half-smoked hundo, and placing it back in the box to be finished later. the term is nearly exclusive to the region, but has confirmed uses in some illinois college towns.

stoner 1: man, i can't finish this entire marlboro100.

stoner 2: then make a clayton out of it and finish it later.

See orland park, marlboro, cigarette, clayton, high


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