
What is Clean?


describing an item that looks really nice.

Yo, that suit's clean!!!


Having stopped taking drugs.

"I've been clean for 3 weeks"


something nice or tight

His new Mercedes is clean


dressed up nice.

dawg, went and got clean on us


1. See cool.

2. Positive connotation.

Damn, that movie was clean!

See Jason


A lift where you take a barbell off the floor and lift it to a position just above the shoulders. Often followed by the "jerk" where you then lift the barbell over your head.

Karen: "Sweetie, can you help me wash these dishes?"

Tom: "No. Grab me another beer."

Karen: "You know, it would be nice if you helped me clean once in awhile. I can't even remember the last time you cleaned anything."

Tom: "Bitch I cleaned 200 pounds at the gym last night. When's the last time you cleaned that much?"

Karen: "Well, never, but..."

Tom: "But, but, but...SHUT UP! And get me that beer, now, woman!"

See bitch, gym, protein shake, protein shot, bench, Nick D


A song, usually of the rap/hip-hop genre, that has been pruned of all foul language and references to sex or drugs.

"I downloaded the clean mix of that song."


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