Clear Eyes

What is Clear Eyes?


God's gift to stoners, delivered to us by Ben Stein. It gets the red out, so people think you're sober, but your friends know better! Also comes in small, easy-to-shoplift packaging so you can save some extra money for more hydro.

I tell people that the reason I keep Clear Eyes around is because typing essays on the computer irritates my eyes.


A stoner's best friend. Gets eyes clear in minutes no matter how blasted they may be. Also a great thing to carry to school because you can say wind irritates your eyes or something nonchalant like that.

I carry Clear Eyes with my 24/7, you never know who'll smoke you out and when.



A magical liquid use to get eyes that are really red to be clear again.

Damn how much you be smoking cause your eyes are bloodshot, I think you need some clear eyes.

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