
What is Cleopatra?


The last Macedonian king in Egypt, her and the Ptolmey dynasty were direct desendants of Alexander the Greats general Lagus. Also beleived to be one of the most exoticly beautiful women in all of the ancient world

Wow that girl's so pretty she could be Cleopatra, hmmm she must be macedonian then


(n.) A female born of an incestous relationship. Named after one of the last egyptian rulers, who was the product of 200 years of incestous lines.

I think she's a cleopatra.

See Gumba Gumba


Someone (generally a woman) who deals with their problems by denying that they exsist. Queen of Denial.

A name given to such a person

#1:Do she know how skanky she look?

#2: Hell no, she Cleopatra.

"Hey Cleopatra, you looking good toDAY!"

See denial, de, unaware, nile, neena


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