
What is Cletal?


adj: of or pertaining to Cletus. Used to describe someone or something that has inbred, hick, hill-billy or small-town features.

Damn that boy got some cletal features, one of his eyes is below his nose.

Cletal relationship: one where the family tree looks more like a maze.

Cletal cuisine: possums, rattlesnakes, porcupines, skunks.

Cletal mixed grill: deep-fried-roadkill, possum calamari, marsupial salad.

Cletal community: often distinguished by prominence of fireworks superstores, brothel museums, abundance of manufactured homes, multiple RV's per person (fine examples include: Pahrump and Shoshone, CA).

Cletal vehicle: pickup truck.

See cletus, hick, hill-billy, yokel, inbred


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