
What is Cletus?


Cletus The Slack-Jawed Yokel. Britney Spears' husband. Inbred cracker white trash with money.

Kevin Federline is a right Cletus. Now he lives in a fine-ass triplewide!


(AKA Cousin Cletus)

2: Also can be synonymous with hillbilly.

Heeeeeey Cletus is it true it ain't right ta have relations with folks who ain't yer kin?

See snabald


a charicter on The Simpsons

cletus: i got 300 of them coopons

See Brian


He's Cletus,the slack jawed yokel!


See TheWiggidy


a little fucking bitch, a piece of redneck white trash shit.

Yo fool why were you fucking that goat in the ass last night? Who you think you are, Cletus.

See Nick D


A fatass idiot who doesn't know anything. Right wing fanatic without being able to explain why. Self-proclaimed "straight as an arrow", but mother has described him as a "crippled gay man"

Cletus sashayed down the hall to talk to "hith betht friend" while denying he was a homosexual.

See Cindy


deniz rivol

this turkish guy from turkey

See mitch


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