Climate Change

What is Climate Change?


A term used instead of global warming because the full impact of human caused CO2 emissions isn't known to scientists, and many are predicting that worldwide heating of the atmosphere may cause changes in ocean currents, and therefore, in some cases, cooling of some areas like the Eastern seaboard of North America.

The existence of climate change is virtually undisputed by all the world's leading scientists. The only people who mock it are fools who have been duped by the echo chambercreated by junk science manufactured by oil companies and car manufacturers, in short, those who have a vested instrest in the status quo.

Only a complete retardor a goof would believe that climate change isn't occuring, or that "left wing" envirotards are part of some vast conspiracy to make-believe that we are in the midst of the sixth great extinction. What possible motive would these pinkocommies have to pretend that the climate is changing? What benefit would such chicken little posturing have to them? The answer is no benefit whatsoever.

If you aren't sure whose motives are suspect, think of the old Roman proverb "look to see who benefits". Enviromentalists don't have some secret hidden agenda, they sincerly just want to live on a habitable planet. They don't make money from saving forests. Who makes money, the corporations, or the environmentalists?

Think about it, as a person who probably acts in their own rational self interest, who is more likely to lie and cheat, the party who stands to make or lose money? Or the poor buffoon who just wants to save some owls, and maybe breathe clean air?

Does anyone really honestly think their car exhaust dissapears?

Hurricane Katrina was an intense storm that was made more intense by the effects of climate change.

See enviromental, geography, climate, science, truth, reality, important


a term which makes "global warming" indisputable because if it cools in some places and heats in others, or gets dryer in one place and wetter in another (supposedly), then IT MUST BE BECAUSE OF HUMAN CO2 EMMISIONS. treated as fact by magazines like national geographic, who have published multiple issues predicting what will become of all these endangered species and blaming depopulation of some on climate change... completely false. it is also a political tool used by the left, who have the backing of leftist scientists, which makes them sound like they know what there talking about when in truth there just as big of douchebags as the bill o reilly rightwingers. it is undebatable because of course the weather isnt the same all the time. it was only back in the 70s that some of these same douchebags were crying about the next ice age, which devalidates the claim that the global climate has warmed over the past 100 years because only 30 years ago they were sayin it was getting much colder and the next ice age was here.

bill: hey do you believe in climate change?

bob: shit no, thats a whole bunch of bull shit manufactured by the left.

bill: better than the right's family values and shit.

bob: just as gay though.

bill: we should become libertarians.

bob: ive already become one. i dont have to be a hypocrite and have my fears inhibit mine and others rights. just because im afraid of guns or communists doesnt make it right for me to ban those things/people.

bill: damn, your so right.

See bullshit, global warming, climate, change, climate change, pantyhoes


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