
What is Clinger?


The one that just wont let go.

Can mean anything from that ex that bothers you to tears to a crab that attaches itself to your testicles while skinny dipping or that crap you did earlier and it still hangs on for dear life (I should know)

She's a clinger just kill 'er

OUCH I got a clinger

RRRRRGH ahh oh god it's a clinger

See Ben


noun: A spinnerwho holds so tightly to the man that's fucking her that when he gets up on all fours, she no longer touches the bed.

Ally is a real clinger. Last night when I was fucking her, she wrapped herself around me so tight that I got up, got a beer and changed the TV channel without losing rhythm.


1)A person that wont stop following you or a group that you are in.

2)A terd that doesnt want to fall out of your ass

Matt kept following everywhere I went, that god dam clinger.

I was on the bowl for a fuckin eternity last night. I had a clinger that juss didnt want to fuckin drop

See cling, clinger, cling on, kling, klinger


A clinger is someone who is in a relationship but feels that even the slightest bit of attention from another person means that the person is interested in them

And the Clinger will see this as possible stalking even though the person wants to be there friend

This is often seen in men or women who feel unattractive and get hope from the slightest bit of attention.

Another possibility is that maybe the person is not getting enough attention from there partner and is sub concious looking for it somewhere else

They will never admit this but it is very common in British Women

(Normal Person)

Hi how are you your looking nice??

(Clinger) Im Fine thanks (Thinking: Oh my god he well fancies me!!!)

See ugly, fat, alone, lonely, women


1. A clinger is a person (the tash) who will never leave his or her bf/gf. A possible explanation for this behavior could be the result of being poor. Clingers could be quite dangerous as they often intertwine with stalking. In a worse case scenario, clingers have been known to eat the host partner in order to obtain complete physical contact with the resulting partner.

2. A dingle berry that will not fall off.

Aj has been missing ever since he found the clinger.

See stalker, dingle, berry, tash


Someone who goes out with someone and does not move on

Guy 1:Dude,I just can't forget about Joanne

Guy 2:Dude,Stop being such a clinger,just move on

See cling, clinger, linger, er


A hard booger that won't let go of the inside of your nose. Excessively annoying due to its size, and the fact that whenever you inhale you feel it rubbing against your nostril. Removal usually results in bleeding.

Not to be confused with a klingon].

If you have a clinger while in public or on a date, it's best to grin and bear it.

Heading into the bathroom to remove it will only embarrass you worse, as you will return with several wads of paper towels, trying to stop the bleeding.

See clinger, klingon, booger, nose, girlfriend, pick


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