Clitty Litter

What is Clitty Litter?


the dander-like material found in a female's panties. This is often brought on by excitement, arousal, or exposure to big, fat cock.

while doing his mistress' panty laundry, the marcus discovered an unusually high cioncentration of clitty litter.


vaginal paste found in the liner of womens' undergarments (and sometimes pants if produced in mass amounts) aquired at points of climatic pleasure or just from nasty hoes that do not correctly clean their monkeys or garments.

Is that clitty litter or are you just happy to see me?


the lint, or toilet paper remainings found around the clitoral region

before i went down on her i had to remove the clitty litter


Vaginal debris. Found in and around a women's underwear.

"Get the scoop, my girlfriend left some clitty litter in my hamper."


The dry goo that collects in the crotch of girls panties.

girl got so excited that she laid a trail of clitty litter

See love sauce, gonad gravy


Clitty Litter are pieces of coagulated chunks of vaginal mucus that are left on the linen after sex.

"Uh Jenny, What the fuck is that laying there on the sheet?"

"That's just my Clitty Litter Bobby. Don't trip."

See clit, secretion, chunk, vaginal


The little specks of skin left on and around the vag after hitting it hard .

After sex she had to shower off the clitty litter.

See clitoris, clit, pussy, cat, vag, va jay jay, pubes, croutons


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