Clitty Play

What is Clitty Play?


1.) Teasing the clitoris with the tip of a penis.

2.) What a Nigerian man tells a white virginthey will stick to before he deflowers her.

3.) Something new at the Sanriostore.

1.) As Oluoboshoraku shoved his ten inches of manmeat into Dolores in the back stall of the men's restroom of Mickey D's, she thought back to the times they shared on the floral daybed in his aunt's basement--the times when she could still call herself pure, when they had only engaged in clitty play.

2.) Don't worry, baby, it won't hurt! It's only clitty play!

3.) Look Heather! A Hello Kitty Clitty Play vibrating pencil!

See clitty, clit, clit tease, frottage


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