
What is Clockcrew?


The greatest group of Flash artist know to the human race, though they had a war with the LockLegion before, the power of "B" has brought them together. The ClockCrew all follow in the footsteps of StrawberryClock, king of the portal.

The ClockCrew is fucking 1337!!!

See Church


A group of flash animators. They animate different objects (usually fruits) with clocks on them. The clockcrew is a flash community and usually crate movies about the NG user ' strawberryclock' aka 'coolboyman'.

Strawberryclock deliberatley submitted terrible flash movies to the NGflash portal, thus making him very unpopular at the time.

But then, three new users to have 'clock' in their username's apeared, OrangeClock, AppleClock, and RaspberryClock. They came as a surprise, even to strawberryclock but these new clocks continued to make movies praising sbc and calling him 'king of the portal'.

There was a huge backlash against the clocks and many users made 'anti-clock' movies which were almost all terrible, even worse than the clcok movies themselves. But instead of retaliating, the clocks just continued making movies and replied to hating NG reviews with polite replies.

The clockcrew has come through many ups and downs, but has come up through all adversity and hate, and has produced some of the very best movies on newgrounds, including '21 clock street: the movie (1 and 2)', 'bananna beard' and 'the void' series.

The clockcrew is probabley the first real flash community and has spawned many more, such as the star syndicateand the lock legion.

"did you see that clockcrew flash on the front page? It's been a while."


A dead flash group, originating from newgrounds.

If any of wtfnoob's actions killed the clockcrew, it was leaving it. Blame yourselves.

See tomfulp


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