
What is Clomp?


The sound sound of a shotgun or similar weapon in modern video games.

I never saw where Dennis was hiding. All I heard was the repeated clomps of his shotgun and the dying screams of my teammates.

Dennis: "You must've seen me coming."

Steve: "No, I just heard a ~clomp~ and it was Game Over for me."

See blast, bang, clump, cap, bust, game


The sound a heavy boot makes on a wooden floor

Clomp, clomp, clomp, wnent the heavy boot on the wooden floor.


Shortened version of the word clomptoctic.

1. Boring

2. Annoying

3. Used in a situation in which you cannot come up with a better word to describe something or someone.

person 1 - "Man, I've spent almost all weekend doing homework..."

person 2 - "Dude that musta been clomp."


"Man, I spent 4 hours with this girl and she seriously said like... 3 words. She was a complete clomp."


to accidentally step on the back of someone's foot when they are walking in front of you

guy: Oops, sorry for clomping on your foot just now.

girl: that's OK, at least I'm not wearing sandals.

See step on, crunch, walk on


shaking someones hand when they are not looking

my homeboy totally just clomped that girl from behind


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