
What is Clopper?


n. vagina

see also clunge, gwat and clive

She lifted her skirt and showed me her clopper. It was beautiful...

See spaz hole, snatch, spam purse, axe wound, gash


a vagina

Dude that girl is nasty. She's got a double clopper with cheese.

Stacie's got a clopper of a camel toe.

See vagina, pussy, snatch, meat wallet, cunt


Noun. A drunken female, screeching and cackling along the street with high heels scraping the pavement. Best spotted at the point of emerging a pub or club with other like-minded females. Strangely attractive to drunk males. Painfully repellant to any sober persons.

What is that god-awful noise? Oh, its just a clopper.

See pissed, clag, banshee


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