What is Clopper Copper's Copper Cabana?


Female police officer's auburn-haired arresting equipment.

(CLOPPER COPPERS, or CLAMCOPS, is a ribald nickname traditionally bestowed on policewomen.)

CLOPPER COPPER'S COPPER CABANA was the headline above a recent centrefold feature in the LAPD LAPTOP (the unofficial, online journal of the Los Angeles Police Department).

Revealing photographs portrayed flame-haired female law-enforcer Detective O'Hara, in unclothed action, cuffing a male suspect.

Why the officer was so conspicuously out of uniform, and why her copper-coloured, curly cabana was being used to disarm and detain the alleged miscreant, the accompanying, sparsely-worded article failed to elucidate.

However, the provocative pics appear to have served their purpose. According to Inspector JackieBlumenthal, head of the Public Relations section, police recruitment is at an all-time high. The LAPD switchboard has also been swamped by calls from self-confessed criminals begging to be arrested by the delectable detective.

The fur-cuffed crimefighter has been granted special permission to pose for Playboy, although she denies that she has plans to leave the force any time soon. Flashing her famous smile and polishing her badge, she told a reporter: "I feel a strong vocation for this line of work. Also, it's a family tradition: my grandfather was a brilliant British policeman called Basil Butterfield, who had a similar arresting technique to mine. His sense of duty has been an inspiration to me. All I want to do with my career is to follow in Basil's size-ten footsteps."

See auburned, dorissed, dazed, badgered, icon, apt, sentry, labia major, panzer division, doing the necessary, multi-tasking


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