Closet Britneyfan

What is Closet Britneyfan?


One who bashes Britney Spears in public, in front of friends, on the internet (like slangdefine- seriously, is it necessary to throw around words like "slut" and type with horrible grammer about her? Just makin' yourselves look bad, that's all I'm saying...), etc. but secretly like her music and/or follow her every exploit like a Tigerbeat teen girl.

I'd wager about 80% of Britney bashers secretly like her, and I know MANY of them. For as many people claim to hate her, suddenly it's weird when you look in their room and they have a few of her CDs (who later SWEAR it's their little sister's...sure). Also funny how she keeps hitting #1 all over the world when people continually say she's a fad and hate her...obviously there's quite a few who don't!

Yeah, so get this, Marsha was talking the other day about how much Britney Spears is a slut and she hates her, blah blah blah, but then we went driving around and "Toxic" was on like 3 of her burned CDs we were listening to.

I know! She is such a Closet Britneyfan.


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