Closet Case Freek

What is Closet Case Freek?


Girls that appear to be smart and innocent but in reality are not afraid of gettin down and dirty.

-"What do you think about Michelle?I think she wants me bro"

-"No way man. She's way to innocent for that shit."

-"Nah bro. That chick is defenitly a closet case freek"

See slut, smut, innocent, smart, freek


A girl who looks like their just smart and innocent but in reality arent afraid of the dick.

-"What do you think about Michelle. She definitely wants my dick."

-"No way man. She's not that type of girl"

-"Yea she is dude. Shes a closet case freek."

See ccf, freak, whore, slut, smut


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