Cloud Nine

What is Cloud Nine?


1). Heaven

2). A Utopia of pleasure

We were floating on cloud nine.


and cloud 9

a state of total euphoria (See also on cloud nine.)

After winning the lottery, he was on cloud nine.


The state of being out of your head because you have recently fallen "in love."

My friend Elena decided to take more calculus classes because she was out of her mind on cloud nine.


a happy, pleasurable state of mind usually used after smokin tree, drinking alot of alki or havin sex

man i smoke a blunt and 3 40s like 20 mins ago, i'm on cloud nine

See Jerry


A method of increasing sensitivity to the body while under the effects of MDMA and other similar drugs. It is when someon lays on the back of someone else and runs around or walks around while the person on ecstacy closes their eyes and feels like they are floating as the air rushes past them. The person rolling that is going to be in cloud nine needs to go back to back with someone else and link there arms together. The person that is going to cloud nine then needs to leanback and have the person who is going to walk or run around pull forward. This should put the roller ontop of the persons back.

"Hey man when we get high tonight lets take a trip too cloud nine!"

"When we get high tonight lets try out a new roll trick i learned the other day."

See cloud9, cloud nine, cloud 9, rolling


very high

Jay-D did too many bong hits. He be cloud nine.

See Da Funk


A method of producing a rush by hyperventilating until passing out or by hyperventilating and then cutting off bloodflow to the brain with pressure to the neck.Causes twitching and spasmodic shit along with a whippet or nitrouslike effect.AKA elevators.

Those kids on e at the party were cloud nining each other and fishing out on the floor in the halls.I wanna try that.


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