
What is Clouds?


A collections of particulate matter, smoke, dust of gas that is visible. Usual term for large mass of visible gaseous water vapour in the earths atmosphere.

Depending on drug consumption may turn into various animals, historical figures, vampires and kitchen cutlery

"Fuck me that cloud looks just like Count dracula!".. "You mean the cloud next to the one that looks like weapons of mass destruction???"


Tears in one's eyes or tears that have fallen to another location. Used as a metaphor to depict sadness/regret/grief of an individual.

"Oh and I can see Daniel waving goodbye

God it looks like Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes..." --Elton John's Daniel

"I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee..." --Carly Simon's You're So Vain

See clouds, cloud, cloudy, Phantom Limb


clouds is a term used instead of high

usally herd amongst CKC

he got so clouds that he went out and bought deoderant

See high, stoned, h'ed, fucked, franked, jon


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