
What is Cloudy?


a term used to describe someone who is slightly high and acts a little goofy.

" why would u say a statement like that?"

"sorry man i'm just a little cloudy."

See high, baked, toasted, blazed, blitzed


a.) An atmopheric condition marked by excess cumulus buildup in the stratosphere.

b.) What that other guy said, except I don't have blonde hair.

An escalater can never break, it can only become stairs. Cloudy.


When there is a large congregation of black people nearby

Person 1: Hey its getting pretty cloudy back here

Person 2: Yeah, happens all the time

See black, people, cloud, cloudy, racial, group, misty


1.A man whore who loves drummers espcially operator please's timmy who is an ugly ape.

2.Makes people faint with her heat that she creates around her.

1.Hey, it's cloudy

2.*faints* oh gee that cloudy girl made me faint

See cloudy, man whore


Broad, sharp and damn cute.

Everyones favourite hunk, blond smooth hair and golden smile.

wow, what a cloudy guy


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