Cloudy Fishbowl

What is Cloudy Fishbowl?


when your girlfriend is done sucking you off and you cum in her mouth you grab her by the throat; so that she can't swallow the goodness. very quickly you wrap her head in plastic wrap. once you've finshed- pop her in the back of the head making the juice come out of her mouth spreading all over her face under the plastic. cloudy fish bowl! for even more excitement wrap a few guppies under the plastic

when tony goes to bed tonight he'll only dream of cloudy fishbowls and sugar plum fairies!

go to the duece and get fish bowled!

Sarah hates facials, but a cloudy fishbowl really wakes her up in the morning- fuck coffee.

Emily keeps asking me to give her a cloudy fishbowl. nasty girl.

See cum, cloudy fishbowl, nasty, sexy, hot, blow job, plastic wrap, Dueces


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