Clove Sandwich

What is Clove Sandwich?


The act of packing a bowl with a bud of marijuana as the first layer, then a layer of clove cigarette tobacco, followed by final level of marijuana, and topped off with a thin layer of more clove tobacco.

Melissa, while being incredibly high, decided to make a clove sandwich. This bowl was beyond epic and both Melissa and Chris were "flyin' high"

See clove, sandwich, smoking, weed, pot


The act of packing a bowl with a bud of marijuana as the first layer, then a layer of clove cigarette tobacco, followed by final level of marijuana, and topped off with a thin layer of more clove tobacco.

Melissa, while being incredibly high, decided to make a clove sandwich. This bowl was beyond epic and both Melissa and Chris were "flyin' high".

See weed, cigarettes, clove, high, smoking


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