
What is Clown?


the most evil and revolting creatures ever to be placed on this foul wretched earth.

oh my god a clown is going to eat me (not like that you sick fucks)

See Fieldy


A person who is humourous without intention, therefore is a dumb muthafucker. See rehab.

Matt: 'You fucking clown'

David: 'Am not :('


v. to clown, clowning, clowned. To laugh, make fun of, or find joy in a person or event. Almost always used in a derogatory or degrading fashion.

n. A fool or jester; someone that you laugh at or "clown" at.

1. "I can't wait till I hear you say

'I'm going down, mayday, mayday.' I'm gonna clown." - Ice Cube, "Ghetto Bird"

2. Hah hah Lorenzo just dropped his sack in front of a narc, what a clown!


A girl who covers herself in so much makeup, the true flesh of her face is difficult or impossible to see.

Sick, did you see Kyra trying to wear blush today? She looks like a freakin clown.


v., orig. porno: to perform a sexual act (also known as the "inverted pyramid") in which the male simultaneously and singlehandedly double-penetrates the female, inserting his scrotum in her anus and his penis in her vagina.

Put the dick down in the pussy—yeah, Toné, clown on that b****!


someone who acts like a total fool, a fucking idiot

That kid just slipped on a banana peal, what a clown!


1. A person who wear face paint, huge shoes, small cars, and most likely some kind of horn to instill fear in small children and even more fear in adults. A clown is probably the best thing to scare someone.

2. Someone who unintentionally embarasses themselves

3. Nickname for Shawn Crahan, one of the original founders of the Alternative Metal band, Slipknot

1. Dude, that clown scars the living shit out of me.

2. That clown always falls down when he runs.

3. Clown is one sic mother fucker.

See face paint, scary, ugly, outcasts


Clown (v) - To make fun of someone in a very good natured sense, or with malicious intent, with no inbetween.

"Bob, chill out, I'm just clowning on you"

"I heard steve's car got keyed. Someone clowned all over him"


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