Clown Porned

What is Clown Porned?


When someone's or a group of person's actions, skills, arguement, logic, idea, or perfomance becomes entirely shot down, owned, pwnd, ruin, annihilated, whomped, stomped, crushed, debilitated, obliterated, or any other way proven wrong, futile, or insignificant by another person, group of persons, or most hilariously, AI.

While played Street Fighter 3, Jesse busted out Chun Li's rapid kick super art, which Ben sat back and red parried the entire thing and proceeded to chain into a fierce uppercut chained into a Shoryu Reppa with Ken winning the tournament. Shortly thereafter, Tom came to Jesse's face to rub in it, "Man, Ben just clown porned the shit outta your Chun Li move!"

See owned, pwned, beat, crushed, raped


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