
What is Clownhead?


A phrase which was coined by a well known Belfast shoplifter on a train to Bangor. He called his wife, who was carrying nine aged plastic bags each containing a single sheet of paper, a "Clownhead Ballroot". Presumably the term Clownhead refers to someone who's head resembles that of a clown. Given the womans deshevled appearence, gaunt features and howling, it appears to have been an accurate description.

Look at the fucking hack of you with them plastic bags, you're fucking mad you clownhead ballroot.


1. A Clownhead, is a police car. "Clown", refers to the flashing lights and "head" refers to the top of the police car.

2. A snitch.

That Clownhead just pulled up behind me!

Look out, here comes a bunch of Clownheads!

That dude ratted out my boys, he's a straight Clownhead.

See cop, cop car, pig, five o, 50, lights, law, police, police car, car, dick, fbi, fuzz


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