
What is Clownshoes?


1.) One who tries too hard to gain the social acceptance of others.

2.) One who has made a terrible mistake.

also see tool


guy 1: "Hey guys, you guys hanging out? Can I hang out? We can go to the movies or to see a band play or to the mall or..."

guy 2: "Fuck off clownshoes."


guy 1: "Sorry for losing our winning lottery ticket."

guy 2: "Fuck off clownshoes."


An insult inferring that the reciever is a walking joke, including their actions, habits, appearance, and ultimitly, their existance.

You have no room to talk, clownshoes.

I ran into this guy who was the biggest pair of clownshoes I've ever seen.

"So you had sex with a girl named Clownface? What does that make you, Clownshoes?"

-Tucker Max from his Maxim Radio show.

See clownshoes, clowns, assholes, dumbass, tool, dick, butthole surfer


1) A hopeless loser. An awkward, unattractive, and otherwise inept individual. Also known as a powertool.

2) A nickname for someone with the initials "C" and "S."

1) Way to miss the game-winning shot, clownshoes.

2) Hey ClownShoes, what's up?


adj. - seeming ridiculous, completely out of place or proportion; utterly impractical

The ending to that movie was completely clownshoes, and made absolutely no sense in the context of the rest of the movie.

See ridiculous, random, absurd


Something or someone that pretty much sucks ass.

My mate: 'Did you see "Da Ali G Show" last night mate?'

Me: 'Nah mate. Its fucking Clown Shoes"


Adjective describing unfair corporate or government decisions/policies.

These subway prices are clownshoes.

That's clownshoes they made you pay that parking fine.

See Tim


a noun that is rather dumb, stupid and/or goofy. also somthing big, red and size 34.

that nigga is straight clown shoes.

rob - lets go drink a 40 of O.E.

Jake - fuck O.E., that shits straight clownshoes.

rob - c'mon dude.

Jake - I'm lookin at somthin big, red and size 34

See clown, clown shoes, shoes, nigger, puss, bitchass


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