
What is Cls?


Cock Loving Slut: A promiscuous woman who can't get enough penis.

Jamal: That bitch Sam is a CLS!

CJ: Fo' shizz, throw some D's on that bitch!

See cls, cock, loving, slut, sam


Cucumber Lifesaver Syndrome - when a man's penis is too big to fit in a tight vagina.

Similar to if you tried to fit a cucumber through a lifesaver candy.

Extra lube had to be used becuase they had CLS

See cucumber, lifesaver, syndrome, sex, big, tight, fit, vagina, lube


Cock licking Schmuck!.. self explanatory.

Alex Trebek: "Welcome back to Jeapordy."

Contestant 3 John: "I'll take Acronyms for 200 please."

Trebek: "CLS."

Contestant 3 John: "What is a Cock Licking Schmuck?"

Trebek: "Correct."

Contestant 2 Carl: "Hey wait, those are my initials!"

See pansy, cls, man eater


Charlies Little Slaves

I just quit CLS!


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