Club Mix

What is Club Mix?


A (usually long) version of a (usually dance) song with an extended intro/conclusion to allow for live mixing by a DJ.

Ecstasy - ATB

Ecstasy (Club Mix) - ATB

See club, club mix, trance, house, hardstyle, hardcore, dance, long, version


a gengre of music from b-more that has loud beats,very repative ,sound like go-go and techno and alot cussing found on 92q radio station and clubs in baltimore city in maryland. goes along wit tha dance heel-toe,sponge bob,dora,lean wit rock,down tha hill,the twin,

yo u heard the knew club mix slide to left it goes like this slide to left

slide to the right

hey shorty wait a minute can i freak tonite

See heel toe, dance, b-more, go go, too short


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