
What is Cluff?


If you have a very fat hand and hit someone with it, it isnt a punch or a slap it is a cluff.

Dave, Colin and Adam are the cluff boys


A poker term for one of the following situations:

-A call even though you are more than likely beat.

-A bluff even though you are only calling.

-A weird combination of a call and a bluff.

-A bluff because you think the other player is bluffing.

Jimmy cluffed heads up with a 5 queen off suit, trying to put the understacked opponent out of the game for good.

See poker, bluff, bluffing, call, raise


A triangualr area of the lower back, originating at the top of the ass-crack, and extending to the top of the pelvic bone at either side.

Goddamn, that bitch has a rutchycluff!!

See McGuyver


The smell in a room after really dirty sex has taken place. Also, the smell of a room full of people watching porno.

Wow, that room smelled of cluff. Gross.


The act of puking while engaging in sexual intercourse.

"Dude, we were having sex last night, and she fuckin' cluffed all over the pillows"


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