
What is Clump?


The female genitalia.

Sally has a lovely clump.

See fanny, minge, bush, vagina, quim


The act of hitting a person (usually across the face) with your penis.

The name comes from the sound it makes on impact.

First person to pass out tonight recieves a 'clumping'.

See clump, wack, face, smash


The female genitalia.

Sally's got a lovely clump

See fanny, cunt, minge, bush, flange


the sound a turd makes when hitting the water in a toilet bowl.

the poop went clump


The clump (on a fat person) is the roll of fat that starts just above the genitalia and ends under the belly-button.

Look at that fat persons clump.

See fat, flab, obese, plump, fold


The act of hitting someone

If that chief don't show up with my money he's gonna get a clump in da face ya know

See hit, punch, smack, clapped


The act of clinging and humping at the same time.

When I see Maxi, I'm going to clump him


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